Freddie Gray Peaceful Protest on HipHop Yoga Live! #PrayForBaltimore

We are very moved by all the protests and dialogue going on throughout the country and in Baltimore in response the the violent killing of Freddie Gray. Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs and the #KwanzaaGang have decided to lead a nonviolent protest tak...

Freddie Gray Peaceful Protest on HipHop Yoga Live! #PrayForBaltimore

We are very moved by all the protests and dialogue going on throughout the country and in Baltimore in response the the violent killing of Freddie Gray. Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs and the #KwanzaaGang have decided to lead a nonviolent protest taking over the airwaves of WMUC radio. Come From 8-10pm to speak on air and share your frustration and feelings. This will be peaceful and to spread love but let our demands be known!

On A lighter Note Young Wizard Is Out right now so make sure to check that out.

Thanks so much for supporting us like crazy this year! We are having a showcase to spread love! ITS OURRRR TIMEEEEE

Interested in performing? email us at Make sure you follow @PaperboythePrince on Instagram and @hiphopyogalive on Instagram and Twitter

We will have LIVE PAINTING! a Drum Circle, Dance, and a chance for you to speak whats on your heart during "word to the wise" Come out to #HipHopYogaLive you'll leave better than you came! Hosted by Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs