Jason A. Mullinax To Program The April 3, 2016 Edition Of The Irrelevant Show

<img src="http://www.jasonamullinaxlessons.com/uploads/3/8/9/7/38974409/9407692.jpg?1440967173 ">Jason A. Mullinax (formerly Pilesar, briefly Sugarflop and a percussion instructor) is releasing a new 18-track album and he is airing it on The Irreleva...

Jason A. Mullinax (formerly Pilesar, briefly Sugarflop and a percussion instructor) is releasing a new 18-track album and he is airing it on The Irrelevant Show on the day it is released to the public. It’s called “System Restore: Home World Misremembered” and consists of remixes of his most recent release titled “Home World” by some of his favorite contemporary musicians and collaborators. The album will get played in its entirety along with material that inspired Jason. Listen in live on Sunday April 3, 2016 between the hours of 3 and 6 pm EST.

On April 3, 2016 at 3:00PM click here to listen live: The Irrelevant Show